PCO & Networking

Corporate services & solutions

Meet the right people, cultivate relationships that lead to business, or an introduction to individuals who want to do business with you.

As a Professional Congress Organizer (PCO), the Innovative Conventions Bureau (ICB) has had the opportunity to be an innovative partner in various outstanding medical and scientific meetings. From small, intimate workshops and forums to large national and international conferences, clients count on us for the consistently high level of service and experience required to ensure seamless, successful meetings.

Association Management

As an Association Management Company, ICB provides extensive management services, skilled consultancy and effective administrative solutions. Membership development and administration, financial management, public relations, lobbying and event organizing are implemented more effectively through long term cooperation. ICB professionalizes your managerial structure and gives you more time to concentrate on scientific content-based work and to focus on future prospects. Associations who partner with ICB take an important step toward effective administration and leadership. Benefit from our infrastructure, giving you access to the latest communication technologies and a state-of-the-art network without large financial investment. The identity of your association is preserved as ICB remains invisible. We offer a personalized telephone answering service, individual email addresses and a separate internet domain to your association. Our multi-lingual association managers provide sound specialist knowledge in all business skills required by your association. ICB assists you on a consultancy basis or collaborates with you through a long-term partnership, taking over the practical day-to-day operations. Outsourcing the staffing allows you to concentrate on your visions and strategic objectives and to maximize your power and performance, while ICB ensures the continuity of your external image.

Congress Management

Synergy and Competence. For ICB these are the defining elements of a successful conference. It is the exchange of knowledge and ideas between professionals, a combined effort of the whole group bringing together the know-how and expertise to plan and execute a smooth conference for you. As a Professional Congress Organizer (PCO), ICB has had the opportunity to be an innovative partner in various outstanding medical and scientific meetings. From small, intimate workshops and forums to large national and international conferences, clients count on us for the consistently high level of service and experience required to ensure seamless, successful meetings.

Problem solving

In addition to the potential of increasing your business you can often find solutions to your own business problems or needs by networking. For example, if your business needs the services of a bookkeeper, accountant, or lawyer you may find the ideal candidate via networking, or if your business needs equity financing for startup you may be able to find an investor or venture through networking channels.

Sharing knowledge and experience

Networking is ideal for expanding your knowledge by taking advantage of the viewpoints and prior experience of others. If for example, you are thinking of getting into the import or export business you may be able to get some valuable advice from someone else who has done similar business internationally. Taking advantage of the experiences of others before you invest time and money in a particular venture can be invaluable.

Confidence and morale

Most business people are optimistic and positive. Regularly associating with such people can be a great morale boost, particularly in the difficult early phases of a new business. If you are not naturally outgoing, regularly meeting new people can also boost your confidence and on a personal basis you may form new friendships with like-minded people.

Network the Old-Fashioned Way

Meeting people in person seems old fashioned in the digital age, but wherever possible you should network face-to-face. Social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter are excellent ways to communicate with customers and business associates, but they do not substitute for meeting people in person. A lot of local business is still done on a handshake basis, and the best way to network with other local business owners and entrepreneurs is through business groups.

Business Networking Groups

The best business networking groups operate as exchanges of business information, ideas, and support. The most important skill for effective business networking is listening, focusing on how you can help the person you are listening to rather than on how he or she can help you is the first step to establishing a mutually beneficial relationship. The purpose of a Networking Trip is to provide an opportunity to establish working relationships while gaining exposure to various job opportunities



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